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- Videos
- Lunch Break Videos
- Gov Wolf Just Requested a Stay of Judge Stickman’s Order
- Federal Judge Declares Gov Wolf’s COVID-19 Orders Unconstitutional
- Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Robocalls to Cell Phones
- New US Supreme Court Abortion Decision
- COVID-19 and Unemployment Comp Benefits- Do You Qualify?
- Scaringi Law Message to the Community on COVID-19
- Gov Wolf is Wrong He Has No Authority to Close Businesses
- Does PA Gov Tom Wolf Have Power to Order Closure of All PA Non-Essential Businesses?
- Scaringi Law Scores Big Victory for the First Amendment Over PA Lt. Gov. John Fetterm
- Scaring Law Real estate attorney Frank Mrozcka discusses difficulties families are facing paying
- Court of Appeals Decision
- Political Yard Signs
- Transferring a Family Business
- Trump & Cohen
- International Trade and Letters of Credit
- Did David Hogg Violate Campaign Election Law?
- Should RICO be used to prosecute the Catholic Church?
- Could Judge Kavanaugh be Charged with Sex Crimes?
- Paul Manafort Guilty Plea – What it Means for Trump!
- Stormy defamation of character
- Trump Wins in Court
- More Kavanaugh Accusers Come out of the Shadows
- On the Credibility of Christine Blasey Ford
- More on Dr Ford Credibility
- Deborah Ramirez
- New Allegations By Leland Keyser Against Brett Kavanaugh
- Beers for Brett
- Stormy Daniel's Hurricane of Legal Woes
- Catholic Church Defeats Bill Re: Child Sex Abuse
- Did Judge Pirro Defame Black Lives Matter Leader
- What if Megyn Kelly is Fired From The Today Show? What Are Her Legal Rights?
- Protect Your Musical Copyright
- "Emoluments" Lawsuits Against Trump- Recent Developments
- Trump Brings Federal Charges Against Synagogue Shooter
- Trump Vows to End Birthright Citizenship
- Trump and Birthright Citizenship Part II
- No Blue Wave
- Sessions is out! Who’s in charge of the DOJ?
- Did CNN’S Jim Acosta commit Assault or Battery Against the White House Intern?
- Acosta and CNN filed an emergency hearing request
- Trump Order Denying Asylum to Migrants Who Enter Illegally Struck Down by Court
- Russia Building Gate??
- Obama and Media Wrong on the Migrant Caravan!
- Dr Corsi Strikes Back
- Conservative Students Group Tout Big Free Speech Win Against UC-Berkeley
- Trump Confidant - Roger Stone - to Plead the 5th Before Congress!
- Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn - Being Sentenced in Fake Collusion Case
- Trump Confidant - Roger Stone - to Plead the 5th Before Congress!
- Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn - Being Sentenced in Fake Collusion Case
- Family Sues Universal Resort for Not Putting Warnings in Spanish!
- Robert Mueller Blasted by Giuliani for destroying evidence and obstructing justice!
- Update On Efforts To Ban Transgender People From Serving In The Military
- Trump Does Have Authority to Use the Military to Build the Wall!
- Trump Will Address the Nation on the Border Crisis and Emergency Authority
- Revelation that Paul Manafort Offered to Share Campaign Polling Data is a Big Nothingburger!
- McTrademark - McDonald's Loses its BIG MAC trademark in the EU
- Trump May Have Been Involved in Popularity Poll Rigging
- Fed Court Denies Request by Fed Workers to Stop Trump From Making Them Work Unpaid
- NYT and Other Liberal Media May be Sued for Libel
- Media and Hollywood Celebrities One Day Closer to Being Sued
- Roger Stone - Arrested by Mueller
- Trump: Stop Caving and Build the Wall You Promised Us
- Could changes be coming to libel laws?
- Russian Company Fights Back Against Spec Counsel Bob Mueller
- Robert Mueller Reports Trump Had No Russian Collusion
- Trademark and Trade – Adds Protection and Value to Your Company!
- Considering an Early Withdrawal of Your Retirement? – You Better Know the Consequences
- Have the Police Entrapped You in the Commission of a Crime?
- Do Foster Families Find Footing For Custody Filings
- Using Medical Marijuana Can Lead to DUI Arrest
- Bullying in the workplace
- Bullying in Schools
- Before You Open a Gun Shop, Here Are A Few Tips
- New Court Decision on Grandparents’ Rights in Custody
- Did PA State Rep. Brian Sims (D) Harass a woman?
- Gun Trusts - the Nuts & Bolts and Why You Need One
- Anti-Compete Agreements
- Is Possession of Marijuana Still a Crime After the Enactment of the Medical Marijuana Act?
- Can Anyone Seek to Have a Child Declared a “Dependent” of the State?
- Is Possession of Marijuana Still a Crime After the Enactment of the Medical Marijuana Act
- Big Court Win in PA for Concealed Carry Licensees:
- Bad Checks
- A Twist to Independent Contractors and Unemployment Compensation Law
- PA Supreme Court Says No Cross Nominations by Political Bodies
- Divorce, Pensions and Double-Dipping
- Summary Harassment and Your 2nd Amendment Rights
- Katy Perry Copyright Loses Lawsuit Over "Dark Horse"
- Gov Wolf Calls for More Gun Control!
- Republicans Making a Big Mistake Pushing Red Flag Laws
- Some Mental Health Commitments Can Be Expunged
- New Fed Court Decision on Mental Health and the 2nd Amendment
- Smart Phones at Work - Rules Must Be Consistent
- Alex Jones/InfoWars loses an appeal in the defamation lawsuit
- Alex Jones and Pepe the Frog - Copyright Infringement?
- CBD Oil May Cause You to Fail a Drug Test
- Did Trump Commit a Crime in His Phone Call With Ukraine?
- Nancy Pelosi's Fake Call for Impeachment of President Trump!
- What is a buy sell agreement?
- Convicted of a Marijuana Offense? Now is the Time for a Pardon - So Says the Men Who Give Them O
- If an Employee of a Business Calls You The “N” Word...Can You Sue?
- Is Marijuana Still a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance?
- Double Jeopardy - How it Works to Defend Your Rights
- Vote NO on Marsy’s Law Next Tuesday- Here’s Why!
- Possession of a Concealed Firearm in Public Is No Longer Sufficient to Support a “Terry Stop”
- DUI Charges Explained
- Dems Shutdown Questions About Whistleblower's Name
- Impeachment moves to House
- Dems Propose Two Articles of Impeachment! What Are They And Are There Grounds to Impeach?
- Sham Impeachment
- Medical Marijuana - Will It Affect a Child Custody Case
- Does the Magisterial Judge Have Jurisdiction to Evict a Prior Owner of Real Estate?
- Are Coin-Operated Games of Skill at Your Social Club Legal?
- Pelosi Gamble likely to Fail
- Is that IRS Notice a Forgery? - Don’t assume!
- Did Speaker Pelosi Violate Federal Law When She Ripped Up Trump’s SOTU Speech?
- Scaringi Law Election Law Announcement-Now is the Time for Candidate Petition Challenges!
- Firearms Law
- Pardons & Expungement
- Divorce
- Estate Planning
- Trademark and Service Marks
- Criminal Defense
- Business Law
- Employment Law
- Family Law
- Driving under the Influence
- Immigration
- Insurance
- Lunch Break Videos
- Blog
- 2025
- March
- Superior Court Rules that the Defendant to a Protection From Abuse Order Has Standing to File For Contempt Against a Non-Party
- Attorney Marc A. Scaringi Wins Dismissal of Petition for Protection From Abuse
- Attorney Marc A. Scaringi Wins Acquittal of Indirect Criminal Contempt of Protection From Abuse Order
- Attorney Scaringi Wins Retroactive Termination of Child Support!
- AI, Algorithms, and Age Bias: The Hidden Discrimination in Automated Hiring
- Divorcing a Ghost in Pennsylvania: What to Do When Your Spouse Disappears During the Process
- No Lease, No Problem? Why Removing an Ex Isn't as Simple as You Think!
- Trump Administration Moves to Revive Lawful Restoration of Gun Rights
- February
- Estate Probate Disputes: Resolving Blended Family Conflicts Over the Family Home
- How to Defend Your Rights After Being Charged with a Suspended License in Pennsylvania
- Understanding Mental Expungements & 302 Expungements for a Clean Record
- Criminal HIPAA Violations in Pennsylvania & Legal Implications for Healthcare Providers and Defendants
- January
- Attorney Marc A. Scaringi Wins Three Attorney's Fees Awards in the Same Case!
- Attorney Marc A. Scaring Wins Alimony Termination Case!
- There is No Such Thing as the Right to Self-Help Eviction in Pennsylvania
- Can a Lawyer Really Get My Case Dismissed? Myths vs. Reality in Criminal Defense.
- Divorce in a Digital World: Handling Social Media Evidence in Family Law Cases
- How to Handle Child Support Adjustments in Pennsylvania at the Start of a New Year
- The Truth About Plea Deals: Are They Really in Your Best Interest?
- March
- 2024
- December
- What Not to Post in Social Media After Being Charged During the Holidays
- Self-Defense or Assault? Clarifying the Legal Line in Heated Holiday Situations
- Holiday Parties Gone Wrong: What to Do if You're Accused of Assault or Battery
- The 5 Most Common Holiday-Related Crimes and How to Avoid Being Charged
- PSU Gets Win for Trademark Protection in Federal Court.
- November
- Should a Non-Profit Entity Like a School District Register its Logo Under the Pennsylvania Trademark Act?
- Understanding Assault and Battery Charges: What to Do if You're Charged After a Bar Fight
- Holiday Travel and Custody Arrangements: What You Need to Know
- Emergency Family Law Issues: What to Do When Problems Arise Over the Holidays
- How a Criminal Record in Pennsylvania Can Affect Your Job Search in the New Year
- October
- September
- The Critical Role of a Durable General Power of Attorney in Nursing Home Planning
- Court Upholds Neighbors' Signage as Free Speech
- Co-Parenting Tips for the Fall: Ensuring a Smooth Transition After Summer Break
- The Role of Mental Health in Custody Decisions: What Parents Need to Know
- Preparing for the Unexpected: How Natural Disasters in Pennsylvania Can Impact Your Estate Plan
- Back-to-School Dangers: Defending Against Drug Possession Charges for College Students
- August
- Essential Legal Documents for College Students: Preparing for the Unexpected
- Protecting Your Inheritance From Your Spouse In a Pennsylvania Divorce
- To Remove or Not To Remove a Predeceased Spouse's Name From a Deed
- The Pitfalls of DIY Estate Administration in Pennsylvania
- Divorce Tips: When Should I Seek an Order for Protection?
- What Should I Do If I'm Charged with Fraud in Pennsylvania?
- How Do I Prevent a Family Member from Receiving an Inheritance After My Death?
- What Are the Steps to Create a Living Will in Pennsylvania?
- What Happens to Your Military Retirement Pay in Divorce?
- Upon Separation from Your Spouse Will You Get Credit for Paying the Mortgage on the Marital Home?
- PA Superior Court Rules Stay at Home Mom Properly Denied Alimony Because of Amount She Received in Equitable Distribution.
- July
- PA Supreme Court Provides Bright Line Rule in Cases of Third Parties' Duty of Support to Child
- Tips for Modifying Your Estate Plan If You Get Divorced
- Tips for Preparing to File for Divorce
- How to Tell Your Kids You're Getting a Divorce
- What Should I Do If I'm Charged with a Probation Violation in Pennsylvania?
- June
- May
- Will an Affair Impact a Divorce Settlement in Pennsylvania?
- Olive Oil Grille
- Scaringi Law Wins Big Case - Again - Defending the 1st Amendment Rights of the Residents of Camp Hill Borough, PA
- Congratulations to Scaringi Law Attorney Victor Schleich, Esq., for Winning Eight Acquittals in One Case!
- 5 Steps to Take If You Suspect Your Ex Is Hiding Assets
- How to Protect Your Special Needs Child in Your Will
- 5 Things to Consider Before Purchasing an Existing Business
- What to Do When You're Denied Unemployment
- April
- March
- February
- Employer Must Present Substantial and Competent Evidence of an Employee's Violation of a Work Rule to Challenge the Employee's R
- Pennsylvania Is an "At-Will" Employment State
- PA Superior Court Rules Mother Cannot Have the Child's Godmother Adopt the Child Unless Mother Relinquishes her Parental Rights
- Federal Court Upholds Firearms Rights For 18-20-Year-Olds
- Navigating Estate Planning as a Stepparent
- Who Gets the House When a Cohabitating Couple Splits Up?
- What Do I Do If I Believe My Employer Is Retaliating Against Me?
- Should I Trademark the Name of My Business?
- January
- Do You Need an Attorney to Apply for a Pardon in Pennsylvania?
- 5 Common Questions about PA's Clean Slate Law
- 5 Reasons to Create a Business Succession Plan
- Modifying Spousal Support After Job Loss
- Congratulations to Scaringi Law Associate Attorney Robert M. Sakovich for a Win in the Commonwealth Court Vindicating Our Client
- December
- 2023
- December
- You're a Healthcare Provider Who Bills Medicare and/or Medicaid: Should You Self-Report an Overpayment?
- Make it your New Year's Resolution to have your Estate Plan prepared!
- Incorporating Charitable Giving into Your Estate Plan
- 5 Ways a Prenup Can Help Your Marriage
- Co-Parenting Strategies for High-Conflict Divorces
- Can Juveniles Be Charged as Adults in PA?
- November
- Don't Tamper With Survey Markers
- 5 Mistakes to Avoid During a Gray Divorce
- Legal Requirements Every Startup Should Know
- What You Should Do If Your Employer Won't Pay You Overtime
- When Should I Update My Will?
- The First Amendment Right to Free Speech Applies to Child Custody Cases
- Mother Found in Contempt of Court for Baptizing Child Over Father's Objection
- Be Careful About Agreeing that Grandmother Should Have Custody of Your Child. Once You Agree it is Hard to Undo
- October
- Father's IRA Withdrawals Added to His Income to Increase his Child Support Payment
- A Prenuptial Agreement Sprung Upon Fiancé Day Before Wedding - Invalidated by Court
- Third Parties Who Obtain Custody of a Child May be Liable for Child Support
- 5 Estate Planning Tips After a New Baby
- Can I Modify My Child Custody Agreement?
- What to Do If You're Facing Prescription Drug Charges
- Does a Pardon Clear Your Record?
- September
- August
- You must act within six years to expunge an involuntary commitment under section 302 of the mental health procedures act?
- This Week's Story About An Important Case Regarding Skill Games
- Married Man Proposes and Gives Engagement Ring to Girlfriend - Then Wants it Back!
- The Federal False Claims Act is in the News, Part II
- Federal Appeals Court Upholds Non-Violent Felon's Second Amendment Rights
- The Federal False Claims Act is in the News, Part I
- July
- What Happens If You Violate Probation in Pennsylvania?
- Strategic Planning for Your Elderly Loved One's Long-Term Care
- How to Avoid Probate in Pennsylvania
- The PA Supreme Court All but Forecloses Adoption by A Parent's Unmarried Paramour
- What To Do If You're Sent To the RAC
- Watch Out For the Federal False Claims Act
- PA Superior Court Confusingly Applies Relocation Factors and Relocation Burden in a Case Not Involving Relocation
- To Settle or Not to Settle
- Make Sure to Timely Renew Your Trademark Registration
- June
- Why You Need an Experienced Attorney for Your Healthcare Professional License Defense
- Do I Need an Attorney to File a Trademark Application?
- Can I Modify My Child Support Agreement in Pennsylvania?
- 5 Estate Planning Tips for Parents of Young Children
- Resist the Temptation to "Up-Code!"
- PA Appeals Court Expands Firearms Rights.
- Have the Urge to Take a Peek at a Medical Record? DON'T!!!!
- ATF Says Marijuana Use Still Bar to Firearms
- A Brief History of the National Practitioner Data Bank
- Would You Like to Change Your Name?
- May
- School Immunity from Lawsuits
- Don't Try to Face the Pennsylvania State Board of Medicine Alone!
- Two Successful Step-Parent Adoptions!
- Two More Successful Pardons! DUI and Possession with Intent to Deliver Marijuana
- Called Before a Peer Review or Medical Staff Disciplinary Proceeding? Don't Try to Go It Alone!
- If You've Been Sued
- Another Thing to Consider If You've Been Sued for Malpractice
- Restoring Your Firearms Rights
- Consult an Attorney before You Sign
- April
- Don't Try to Face a Pennsylvania Licensing Board Proceeding Alone!
- Who Should I Name as My Executor?
- Overlooked Provisions You Should Include in Your Parenting Plan
- How Hard Is It to Get a Pardon in Pennsylvania?
- Beware of the National Practitioner Data Bank
- You Can Request and Win Counsel Fees in Custody Cases!
- Professional Licensing Charges
- March
- January
- December
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- December
- November
- October
- September
- August
- Samsung Heir Lee Jae-yong Indicted Again | Scaringi Law
- How COVID-19 Affects the Insurance Industry | Scaringi Law
- Increase in Penalties for Missed Federal Election Law Filings and the Other Violations
- Even Summary Offenses Can Impact Your CDL
- NBC News Announces New Goal of Hiring a Half Minority Workforce
- Can Third Parties Have Child Custody Rights?
- COVID-19 Protections are Expiring, but You Can Still Get a Fresh Start
- July
- June
- May
- April
- Can the sheriff refuse to conduct an investigation for my concealed carry permit based on COVID-19?
- The Benefits of a Full-Service Law Firm
- Child Custody in the time of COVID-19
- Can AI Have the Same Rights as Humans?
- COVID-19 Virus Legislation to revive the Economy
- Pennsylvania Supreme Court extends March 19th Order preventing eviction and foreclosure proceedings
- U.S. Dept. of Labor Responds (Surprisingly) Quickly to the Families First (Coronavirus) Response Act
- March
- Scaringi Law v. Governor Tom Wolf
- Pennsylvania Supreme Court Declares Judicial Emergency
- PA Department of Labor & Industry Temporarily Suspends Restrictions on Access to Unemployment Compensation Benefits
- PA Department of Labor & Industry Temporarily Suspends Restrictions on Access to Unemployment Compensation Benefits
- Federal Courts Close in the Wake COVID-19
- State Police Continue with Seizure Of “Skill-Based” Video Terminal Games
- February
- January
- 2019
- December
- November
- Constitutional Concerns for Facial Recognition Surveillance
- Possession of a Concealed Firearm in Public Is No Longer Sufficient to Support a "Terry Stop"
- PA DUI Laws: What Does This Complaint Mean?
- What If You Refuse to Submit to a Blood Test?
- Simple Assault Has Different Levels
- Is the Odor Marijuana Enough to Establish Probable Cause for a Warrantless Search of an Entire Vehicle?
- October
- Refusal to Submit to A Blood Test Results in a Suspension Of One’s Driving Privileges
- Reporting an Overdose Can Create a Shield from Prosecution
- Fair Use of Intellectual Property in YouTube Videos
- How the Double Jeopardy Clause Works to Defend You and Your Rights!
- Is Marijuana Still a Controlled Substance?
- PA Appellate Court Reverses DUI Conviction Because No Informed Consent for Blood Draw
- September
- Are 3D Printed Guns Illegal?
- Legalization of Marijuana May Help Expedite Pardon of Possession Charges
- PLCB Adopts New Policy—“R” License Holder Must Allow Drinking on Premises
- Suspending Licenses to Enforce Child Support
- Criminal Defense & Immigration Status
- CBD Oils Could Cause You to Fail a Drug Test
- The Importance of Interim Orders in Divorce Cases
- Scaringi Law Helps Restore Client's Second Amendment Rights
- Revenge Porn
- August
- Watching the Big Game on Your Cell Phone at Work? Does That Forfeit Your Right to Unemployment Comp?
- Beware Medical Marijuana Can Land You With a DUI
- If You Want an Enforceable Contract, Put It In Writing!
- Scaringi Law Victory at Pa Superior Court - Restores Client's 2nd Amendment Rights!
- How Does A Custody Case Move If Both Parents Have Relocated?
- July
- Must You Be a Registered Republican to Run for Public Office in a Republican Primary?
- In Pennsylvania, Helping Someone Avoid Arrest Is a Crime.
- The Future of Immoral & Scandalous Trademarks
- Are Shell Corporations Illegal?
- PA Supreme Court – Cross-Nomination Ban for Political Bodies Not Unconstitutional
- Writing “Bad Checks” Is a Crime — There Maybe a Defense.
- What You Need to Know About Pennsylvania Hunting Licenses for the 2019-2020 Hunting Season
- If You Are Not A Citizen of The United States and You Are Charged with A Crime, Proceed with Extreme Caution.
- Cannabis and Firearm Revamp on the Horizon?
- Most Common Reasons Why the IRS Could Audit You
- June
- May
- April
- Have a Tenant Violating Their Lease?
- Can Beer Distributors Sell Medical Marijuana Products?
- Out-of-State DUIs Follow You to Pennsylvania
- Parenting Coordination, Version 2.0 - the Reboot.
- Didn't Know You Were Breaking the Law? There May Be a Defense!
- Spousal Privilege
- Medical Marijuana & DUI
- Bullying in the Workplace is on the Rise
- Pa Democrats Introduce Gun Registration Bill
- Intoxication Is Not a Legal Excuse, However…
- Entrapment, It Does Happen.
- Trademark and Trade Dress Build a Product’s Branding – That Adds Protection and Value to Your Company!
- March
- If You Are Considering Opening a Gun Shop Here Are Some Large Caliber Tips
- Being A Foster Parent May Not Establish Familial Bonds…At Least for Custody.
- In DUI Testing, There Is a Ticking Clock
- New Laws and Technology Enable Convicted DUI Drivers Back on the Road Sooner.
- Representing Yourself? - Proceed with Caution
- Criminal Defense “de Minimis”
- Crimes Under Duress - "Forced to Do It"
- A Ray of Hope for Bullied School Children?
- 5 Common Mistakes Made When Running for Office
- Candidates' Petition Deadline Nears
- How Do I Open a Bar in Pennsylvania?
- Assault in PA
- February
- Traffic Violations Can Park You In a Cell
- The New Clean Slate Law-Limited Access 2.0
- Amendments to Mental Health Act Take Effect In April 2019
- Change Coming to Underage Marijuana Possession.
- Being Charged with a Crime Can Appear in Public Searches and Affect Your Future
- Get To Know Your Attorney BEFORE Meeting With Him/Her.
- Changes to ARD May Allow Drunk Drivers to Keep Their License
- January
- Trademark Registration Can Help Protect Your Business Assets
- The Down Low on Deductions
- Hold onto Your Gun Rights By Obeying The Law
- You Can’t Be Charged with Conspiracy Alone.
- Employers Cannot Suspend Pay While Requiring Employees to Work
- Oops, Can I Get A Redo? (ARD)
- You Receive a Charge of Discrimination From the EEOC or the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission - Now What?
- How Do I Get a REAL-ID and Do I Need One?
- Government Agencies Are Embracing The Digital Age
- The Pennsylvania Legislature Is Cracking Down On DUI
- 2018
- December
- November
- Is Your Small Business Insured Against Employment Lawsuits?
- Drivers – Don’t Ignore Traffic Citations
- What Is A "No-Fault" Divorce?
- Don't Let The Holiday Express Derail Your Career.
- Are you Stealing Time? Pitfalls to Avoid When Recording and Rounding
- How Separated Families Can Lower Stress Around the Holidays
- Mediation - An Alternative Dispute Resolution
- CDL Drivers - Keep an Eye on Your Records
- How Can The Police Search My Car Without My Permission?
- How To Avoid Common Holiday Injuries
- NyQuil DUI Blues
- October
- Know Your COBRA Rights
- What To Do When A Company Issues A Subpoena For Your Identity And Your Internet Browsing History
- Attorneys Can't Protect What They Don't Know About
- Timing Can Play A Factor In DUI Defense.
- Alimony Modification May Be Available to Reduce Your Alimony Burden
- “I’m Going to Sue!”
- An Update on Pennsylvania Hunting Firearms Law
- LGBTQ Employees Can Now File Discrimination Claims for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination
- Medical Marijuana in the Workplace
- Big Win for Gun Rights Restoration in Pennsylvania Court!
- College Students Have the Right to Confront Their Accuser!
- ARD, Your Get Out Of Jail Free Card, Well Maybe Not Free.
- An Overview of Pennsylvania Hunting Regulations - 2018
- September
- The Effect of Adoption on Grandparent's Rights to Seek Custody
- DUI While Parked Sleeping It Off
- Covenants Not to Compete May Soon Be Prohibited in Pennsylvania, But There is Still Time to Protect Your Company
- Tips on Trademarks – 4 Common Mistakes Made in Trademark Applications
- Carrying a Concealed Firearm Without a License – Can Be a Felony
- Student Loans Out of Control? Are You Eligible to Discharge Them?
- Why Your Growing Business Needs an Employee Handbook
- Big Changes to Pennsylvania Custody Law
- It is important to know your rights and obligations when you are pulled over by the police.
- What Is "Standing"
- Fixing Loose Nails Keeps The House Standing
- August
- If It's Important, Put It In Writing
- Tweet, Post, Jail.
- Should I Be Getting Paid When I’m “On Call”?
- DLI Revised Regulations Could Change How PA Employees Are Paid
- Custody Can Be Awarded by a Court To More Than Just a Child’s Parents
- Small Claims Court
- I Just Want a Simple Divorce, But What About…
- Have You Been Refused a Reasonable Accommodation under the ADA?
- The PA Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law ("UTPCPL")
- What Is Harassment?
- Pa Whistle Blowers Can Recover for Mental Anguish
- July
- Why You Shouldn’t Date During Your Divorce
- Ninth Circuit Court Strikes a Blow In Favor of the 2nd Amendment
- Sellers of Residential Real Property Beware: “As Is” Clause Does Not Protect You from Your Statutory Duty to Disclose Material D
- CDLs And CSA Scores
- Ridesharing Company Cannot Have it Both Ways – If its Drivers Are Independent Contractors, then its Insurance Company Cannot be
- Why Hire An Attorney To Arrange Self Surrender?
- Marc will be teaching a Continuing Legal Education Course on Constitutional Firearm Law
- An Opportunity To Make Up For A Missed Deadline
- PA Superior Court Rules Against Another Injury Plaintiff Trying to Get Venue Against a Corporate Defendant in Philadelphia
- June
- Family & Medical Leave Act ("FMLA") - The Nuts & Bolts
- Rehabilitation Can Result in a Better DUI Sentence
- Pa Judge Says Pa’s Registration Requirement for Out-of-State Businesses Doesn’t Create Jurisdiction in Pa
- What Does an Employment Law Attorney Do?
- Bill of Particulars And Formal Arraignment
- Custody — Don't Leave It To Chance
- New Court Decision Allows The Expungement Of A Prior 303 Involuntary Commitment
- There Are Ways To Keep Your License After A DUI
- Money In Politics? You Bet.
- 3 Tips for Successful Co-Parenting This Summer
- Custody Can Be Given To More Than Just Parents
- Two Men Accused of Running a Multi-Million Dollar PAC-Scam
- May
- What Is the Difference Between a Pardon & an Expungement?
- President Trump’s New Executive Orders Will Impact Federal Civilian Employees
- Are “Volunteers” Employees Under the Federal Labor Standards Act?
- Sexual Violence Protection Order (SVPO)
- Disabled Employees Are Entitled To Reasonable Accommodations
- FEC Issues Draft Advisory Opinion Disallowing State Office Holder from Using a Controlled Super PAC to Expend “Soft Money” to Pr
- Working Closely With Your Attorney Will Increase Your Chances Of A Better Outcome
- A Step Toward Legal Sport Gambling
- Sharing Financial Information In A Divorce
- How to Avoid Probate & Why You Should
- Judges Can Balance A Custody Violation
- Beware: Driving Under Suspension (DUI-Related) Can Result in Incarceration
- Rights of Federal Employees
- Be Sure Your Past Criminal History Doesn’t Disqualify You
- What's An Injunction?!?
- How Changing Addresses Affect Custody Agreements
- Guide To Guardianship
- April
- What Should You Do If You Were Injured at Work?
- Consider Mediation of Legal Disputes
- Keeping Legal While Purchasing A Firearm
- Was that a Drone?!?
- International Adoption: Preparing your Application
- To Snitch or Not to Snitch
- Florida Passes A Firearm Seizing Law
- The Myth and Legend, Legal Separation
- Penalties Are Tougher On CDL Drivers
- DIY, Doesn’t Always Work For Division Of Property
- A Cohabitation Agreement Protects Investing In A Non-Marriage Relationship
- What's Mine Is...Not Necessarily Mine
- Don't Sign That Document. . .
- Penalties For DUI Vary Depending On Many Factors
- The Unexpected Value of Consulting an Attorney
- March
- New Program For Those Trapped By Opioids
- Can You Possess A Firearm In A School Zone?
- Don't Believe Everything On The Internet! Even If It Was On A Government Site.
- Evidence to the Defense
- Do I Have a Slip and Fall Personal Injury Case?
- Understanding Elder Law
- How Child Support Is Calculated
- Speed Enforcement Woes
- Be Careful What You Click
- Doing and Deducting the Hobby You Love for Fun and Profit
- February
- Keep Kids First in Custody Cases
- How To Avoid a Dog Bite Injury
- Lie To Me At Your Own Risk
- How Summary Offenses Are Tried
- Defining Parent on birth Certificate
- Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Immunity Law
- Passing On The Left Hand Side — Possession With Intent to Distribute?
- Employee Personnel File Review
- Custody and Adoption and Guardianship—Oh My! Deciphering the Confusing Legal Jargon of Parental Rights
- Understanding a PFA – Protection From Abuse
- Challenging an Involuntary Mental Health Commitment
- When Do I Need an Estate Plan?
- Starting A Business? Protect Yourself, And Your Investment
- Financial Advisers and Insurance Salesman Get Favorable Ruling from PA's Highest Court
- January
- What Can You Do To Stop Creditor Harassment?
- Why purchase a home in the 100-acre wood?
- Conduct In Court Counts
- Will that noise complaint from college always be on my criminal record?
- Fighting Against A Lifetime Ban Of CDL License
- Property Owners — Shovel Your Sidewalks
- Can A Diabetes Mimic Alcohol Intoxication?
- But On TV… They Have to Read Your Miranda Rights…
- Unveiling Concealed Carry Laws in Pennsylvania
- Prenuptial Agreement — It's Not Romantic, But It’s Smart.
- Watch Who You Run With!
- 2017
- December
- Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act Passes House
- The Spousal Privilege
- Unemployment Compensation -You don't have to go it alone
- All I Want For Christmas Is… A Divorce.
- Plea Deals Can Let You Take Your Lumps But Keep Your Sentencing Fair
- When You're Sued…
- 5 Common Mistakes Even Good Parents Make in Custody
- Burglary Vs Robbery
- The Truth and Nothing But The Truth
- Going to the Dogs - PA Dog Law
- Taking The Correct Steps To Change A Custody Agreement
- Hanging On To Your Job
- Criminal Law - Ignorance Is Not Bliss
- The Value Of Insurance
- Busted Budget Blues
- November
- Twice The Victim...
- Wage & Overtime Claims: When Workers are Not Properly Compensated
- Pennsylvania Real Estate Law: Title Agency & Settlements
- From Hollywood to the Halls of Congress to Your Workplace Sexual Harassment – Employers Be Aware
- Legal Separation in Pennsylvania: Fact or Fiction?
- A Dollar Isn’t Just A Dollar In Divorce
- Federal Whistle-blowing Can Be A Lucrative Endeavor
- Jury Selection Can Make All The Difference
- Biology's Role in the Child Custody Disputes of Same-Sex Couples
- Don’t let your loved ones end up in the poor house
- Cost of Do It Yourself Legal Agreements
- Importance of Choice of Defense in Federal Employee Disciplinary Actions
- Protecting Property Rights
- October
- An Ounce of Prevention...
- Get a Custody Agreement in Writing
- Am I Eligible for Expungement?
- Protect Children From Details of Custody Disputes
- What Happens if My Social Security Disability Application Is Denied?
- What Parents Need to Know About Congress' New Sexting Laws
- Nolo Contendere - Yeah...I did it.
- Help For Estate Beneficiaries
- Hunting After A Felony
- I've been charged with a crime... now what?
- How Long Does Divorce Take?
- Halloween Pranks & Criminal Disorderly Conduct
- Teen Sexting - Keep Teen Indiscretions From Following Them Their Whole Lives
- What You Need to Know About Your DMV Hearing After Your DUI
- What Are the Rights of Biological Parents in Adoption?
- Distracted Driving Can Do Disastrous Harm
- 8 Dos And Don'ts After Receiving a Divorce Complaint
- DUI?!?-But I'm On My Bicycle.
- Restoring Your Right To Keep And Bear Arms
- Just Because a Firing Was Unfair, Doesn't Make It Wrongful
- Divorce Can Be Stressful - Have an Advocate that Listens
- IEP - A Safeguard For Your Child's Education
- September
- Seven Considerations in Selecting an Attorney that is Right for You
- Protect Yourself From Employment Discrimination
- Maximum Sentence Could Make the Difference Between County Prison or State Prison - And It's a Big Difference
- Are Cryptocurrencies the Future of Investment Funds?
- Protecting your professional license - and livelihood
- An Annulment Story: Rare and Difficult, But We Won!
- Breaking Up Is Hard To Do for Unmarried Couples in Pennsylvania
- August
- How The Law Works Can Be Complicated and Often Unfair
- Spying or Tracking?
- Protection From Abuse (PFA) - Civil in Nature, but Beware of Criminal Consequences
- Grandparent Rights in Pennsylvania
- How to Kick out your Spouse (and Keep the House to Yourself)
- How Social Networking Can Make Things Worse, Not Better
- Changes in Telephone Numbering Plans
- July
- June
- May
- April
- March
- February
- New Legislation Proposes Mandatory Minimum Sentence Exceptions
- Victory for Juvenile DUI Offenders
- Custody Agreements Valid Internationally
- What rights do grandparents have as child custodians?
- Divorce is no longer just for the young, research shows
- Wait times for divorce in Pennsylvania could soon be shortened
- Why do I need a prenup?
- Why you need an attorney when getting divorced in Pennsylvania
- How To Determining The Child's Best Interests In A PA Divorce
- Is your spouse hiding marital assets?
- 4 Qualities You Should Look for When Choosing a Divorce Attorney
- Helping Pennsylvania children cope with the end of a marriage
- 3 aspects of a divorce that social media evidence can affect
- Taking a fresh look at prenuptial agreements
- Advice to consider when breaking news of a divorce to children
- Factors to consider when dividing marital property in PA
- Divorce judge reduced settlement after wife publicly criticized husband
- I want to get a divorce. What are my options?
- Pennsylvania laws and child custody: What you need to know.
- Law on Advertising of Alcoholic Beverages
- Sales of Alcoholic Beverages on Credit
- PLCB Licenses First RV Park
- Nuisance Bar Program in Pennsylvania
- Responsible Alcohol Management Program (RAMP)
- Discount Pricing Practices and Meal Packages
- Advertising Alcoholic Beverages in Pennsylvania
- House Bill 174 - Food Safety Certification
- House Bill 2612
- "Texas Hold 'Em" Poker Tournaments
- Act 11 of 2011 - Part II
- Keeping a Record of Online Accounts and Passwords can help your Estate Executor
- Importance of Power of Attorney in your Estate Plan
- The Importance of Creditor Deadlines
- Supreme Court to Clarify Investment Advisors' Duty to Mutual Funds Regarding Management Fees
- Superior Court Overturns Trial Court's Finding of Successor Liability Upon Purchaser in Asset Sale
- Special Occasion Permits
- Avoiding Litigation - Some Basics for Small Business Owners
- LLCs, LPs, S Corps & C Corps - Choosing the Best Business Entity for Optimal Results
- At Will Employees Are (Generally) Not Entitled to a Lunch Break
- Wage Payment and Collection Law
- Rights of Federal Employees, Non-military Employees
- Police and Firemen Collective Bargaining (Act 111)
- Recent Ruling Favors Businesses as Insureds Under General Liability Policy
- The 'Ins and Outs' of Unemployment Compensation-Understanding the Process
- Prevailing Wage
- At Will Employment in Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania's New Home Improvement Law
- Bar Owner Charged in Customer's Fatal DUI Wreck
- Tips for Splitting Retirement Assets in PA
- Newport Grand Opening
- Pennsylvania Supreme Court Addresses Plenary Guardian Authority
- Spending time with both parents after a divorce is essential
- Estate planning is an act of love for family members
- January
- December
- 2016
- December
- How a divorce filing can save your relationship
- Baby Boomers, Divorce, and Social Security Benefits in PA
- Beneficiary designations override bequests in a will
- Reassessing grandparents' child custody rights in Pennsylvania
- Be sure to include a power of attorney in your estate plan
- Collaborative divorce could help parents create a better future
- When a client may be incompetent for trial: 5 factors to consider
- November
- October
- September
- The basics of surrogacy -- a relatively new area of family law
- How to pick a criminal defense attorney
- Tips for Making a First Draft of Your Will
- DUI cases impaired by U.S. Supreme Court ruling
- Tips for revising an estate plan with ease
- Can an estate plan also provide parental support?
- 5 ways to protect yourself against a false PFA
- 5 things to know about business trademarks
- Don't keep the existence of your revocable trust a secret!
- August
- Taking a closer look at the family limited partnership
- Attorney Erin Zimmerer Handles Complex Criminal Cases in PA
- 5 tips for a smooth move with your child custody order
- Can smaller estates benefit from a living revocable trust?
- What are some typical goals addressed by estate planning?
- Proactive Estate Planning Could Protect Against Elder Fraud
- What should be included in an advanced health care directive?
- Pennsylvania couple loses custody of children due to poor living conditions
- Dividing a single piece of real estate among several heirs
- Should an estate plan focus more on liquid assets?
- July
- June
- May
- Annuities can complement estate and retirement plans
- Retirement planning can be a launch pad for estate planning
- Estate planning can help businesses survive ownership changes
- Five ways to head off a foreclosure
- Will unequal transfers in your estate plan invite a will contest?
- 5 copyright facts everyone should know
- Estate planning is not just for high asset estates
- April
- March
- How to stop executor abuses
- Does the probate of a will always mean an invasion of privacy?
- Keeping the bar open
- Should you name your spouse as your durable power of attorney?
- Undesignated personal items might cause an inheritance dispute
- Can wills be used for more than just distributing assets?
- Four Sure-Fire Ways To Get Out From Under IRS Debt
- February
- January
- Adoption is an often rewarding part of family law
- Why one might include a living revocable trust in estate plans
- An estate plan needs to be reviewed periodically
- What estate planning mistakes are caused by misconceptions?
- Hiring and firing: Businesses need clear policies to protect themselves
- Must an executor be local to effectively administer an estate?
- How one trip to the ER can steal your Second Amendment rights
- December
- 2015
- December
- Every estate plan needs health and financial powers of attorney
- Updates to estate plan might be necessary in New Year
- Estate planning advice for same-sex couples
- Will 2016 bring any changes in estate planning laws?
- 5 mistakes that can lead the IRS to your door
- Can a reverse mortgage present a problem for an heir?
- 5 things you need to know about PFAs
- November
- October
- About to be fired? 10 steps to protect your rights
- What are some takeaways from National Estate Planning Week?
- Keep up with changing law to hold control of your power of attorney
- Does a trust-based estate plan still need an attorney's help?
- How to prevent family feuds from erupting over an estate
- When might an estate plan become out-of-date?
- Does art require special estate planning considerations?
- September
- How should you prepare for your first estate planning meeting?
- No offense, but student's Confederate shirt is protected speech: Marc A. Scaringi
- Has portability made trusts obsolete?
- Are there exceptions to the independence of an irrevocable trust?
- Defending against deadbeats: Child support law keeps kids whole as families split
- What is the average cost and duration of a probate proceeding?
- Child support and college: Deciding who pays can be tricky
- August
- Can estate planning offer benefits to young people?
- It takes a lawyer to keep gun buyers out of the line of fire
- Can wills address estate plan issues not covered by a trust?
- In defending your federal career, don't go it alone
- Firearms Law and the PA Mental Health Procedures Act
- Can a last will and testament address out-of-state properties?
- Get guidance in emotional, legal minefield of ending marriage
- Marc Scaringi debates Civil Forfeiture
- Positive alcohol changes await mug clubs, catering and ski resorts
- Can estate planning shield assets from a beneficiary's creditors?
- July
- Home wine deliveries come a step closer in Pennsylvania
- How does your estate plan rate on these fundamental issues?
- What should the first step in estate planning be?
- Do you know how to exercise your civil service rights?
- Allowing unlimited free drinks to casino slots players could lead to unexpected consequences
- How to know when a firing is actually illegal
- How is property divided in Pennsylvania?
- Could collaborative divorce be right for you?
- June
- Pennsylvania toughens power-of-attorney protections
- Marc Scaringi fights against civil forfeiture abuses by law enforcement
- Have you updated your estate plan since your divorce?
- "Policing for Profit" - the improper use by some law enforcement agencies of our civil forfeiture laws
- Can non-probate assets get caught up in a probate dispute?
- Can an estate planning attorney help with non-probate assets?
- May
- With a trust in your estate plan, do you still need a will?
- How to file a successful unemployment claim
- Are there special considerations for elders in estate planning?
- Military parents have child custody rights, too
- Are there limits upon estate transfers to a surviving spouse?
- Are there other estate-planning tools besides wills and trusts?
- ARD wipes the slate clean for more than just DUI cases
- Securing custody agreements parents can live with
- Administrative errors can create an estate planning fiasco
- April
- How do estate administration laws view leftover property?
- How does Pennsylvania estate law help a surviving spouse?
- Want a six-pack delivered? PLCB just made beer buying easier
- A surviving spouse should still consult with an estate attorney
- Federal job protections planted seeds for civil rights movement
- How can gifts play a role in estate planning?
- Defense of juvenile clients requires navigating a complex system
- March
- How to protect your heirs with your estate plan
- Moving out-of-state? Don't forget to update your estate plan
- Journey of adoption requires legal assistance
- Should you make estate planning part of your spring cleaning?
- For federal employees, performance counts
- Considerations when funding a trust with an annuity
- License appeals get no easier after court ruling
- Could life insurance, a non-probate asset, still end up in court?
- February
- January
- Reality show poses interesting estate planning questions
- Grandparents' failed child custody push offers a cautionary tale
- Scaringi & Scaringi P.C. opens new Carlisle office
- What happens to assets not covered by an estate plan?
- Important victory for a client reminds me why I am a lawyer
- Situations that might give rise to an inheritance dispute
- The heart of every adoption is a child's best interests
- Estate planning: Once may not be enough
- Disciplinary actions against federal employees: Never go it alone
- December
- 2014
- December
- Deciding between wills and trusts when estate planning
- Estate planning is a valuable tool for Pennsylvania residents
- Tips for choosing between revocable and irrevocable trusts
- A trustee can also perform estate administrative functions
- Take control of golden years by making legal decisions now
- Estate planning is about more than just financial documents
- You're a federal employee who's been disciplined: Now what?
- November
- October
- Asset transfers may present unique estate planning issues
- Despite legal protections, federal whistleblowers can face retaliation
- Is the work over once your estate plan is set up?
- Estate planning: Putting loved ones first
- Exploring the flexibility of living trusts
- Preliminary hearings can give the defense a leg up
- Do new parents need estate planning?
- Forget the courtroom drama; cases hinge on facts learned through 'discovery'
- September
- Using trusts to plan for retirement
- Obama Justice Department receives blow in 5th Amendment rights case against self-incrimination
- Is estate planning only for older workers?
- New rules mean more protection for pregnant workers
- An estate plan story seemingly out of a Hollywood movie script
- Pennsylvania Divorce Law Offers Several Options, So File Wisely
- Examining additional strategies for avoiding probate
- August
- July
- What medical marijuana could mean for Pennsylvania businesses
- Exploring the estate benefits of using both a will and a trust
- Gay marriage ruling has far-reaching consequences for state employers
- Choosing between revocable and irrevocable trusts
- Hobby Lobby ruling not green light for religion-based corporate policies
- June
- May
- Internet search fraud can wreck your company
- Estate planning should also consider living will instructions
- Estate plans might be impacted by later-in-life divorces
- A second marriage may affect estate planning
- Trusts may be well suited to planned giving
- Know your rights as a federal employee to avoid unfair treatment
- In estate planning, procrastination won't serve you well
- April
- You're Arrested for DUI; Now What?
- Wills and trusts: a complementary pair
- Online legal form leads to estate dispute
- Knowing, understanding and protecting the rights of federal employees
- Heartbleed security bug: What does this mean for you?
- Businesses beware! Sticking with Microsoft XP could cost you.
- Lessons to apply today from the predicted inheritance boom
- Estate planning can address retirement cash flow issues
- Pulled Over for a DUI Check? One Attorney's Advice & Suggestions
- March
- Irrevocable trusts and other estate planning instruments
- Living your life online? Those posts could come back to haunt you
- Improving real estate market helps thaw delays in closing estates
- Estate planning alternatives to probate
- As St. Patrick's Day approaches, bar owners might be surprised at the deals they can offer...
- February
- A proactive approach to estate planning
- When It Comes to Divorce, You Get What You Pay for
- Marc Scaringi's interview on the David Madeira show
- Supreme Court case shows tiniest details matter in employment law cases
- Weighing the high stakes decision of a defendant taking the stand in a criminal trial
- Lawsuit concerns rights of fathers when comes to child adoption
- Don't forget to update your beneficiary designations
- January
- December
- 2013
- December
- Estate planning: you could be goofing up
- Stopped by a police officer? What should you do next?
- Don't forget about the beneficiaries with estate plan changes
- When a small estate grows, estate planning is even more necessary
- Spousal support not included in final divorce papers for Kutcher
- Obtaining Approval Prior to Relocating in Child Custody Cases
- November
- Judge orders woman to stop breast feeding
- Helping a loved one at a distance is easier with an estate plan
- What types of issues are handled under Pennsylvania probate?
- Recent round of federal furloughs prompts questions about Pennsylvania unemployment compensation rules
- Grandparents become essential for nontraditional families
- Endangered Six-Year-Old Boy Brings Out the Best in Scaringi Law
- Estate planning and financial planning can help with inheritance
- Tips for a prosperous, compliant and safe holiday season for Pennsylvania's licensed establishments
- October
- NSA Surveillance Direct Attack on America's Founding Principles
- Mother flees country with son in child custody battle
- Parents should manage inheritance, estate planning expectations
- When it comes to dealing with law enforcement, silence can be golden
- Secret shopping sprees can contribute to divorce
- Saying "I Do" to a prenuptial agreement
- Choosing wisely when assigning the key roles of estate administration
- Illegal spying and detention of citizens by federal government.
- Restoring the right to bear firearms for clients with a past mental health commitment
- How does cheating affect a divorce?
- September
- August
- July
- June
- May
- April
- March
- February
- January
- Setting up or changing trusts requires legal guidance
- A new retirement account might enter the estate planning field
- A ruling for freedom in NSA phone records controversy
- Frankly, Frankel's divorce could get complicated
- Even Superman doesn't avoid estate dispute
- Fewer millionaires plan on making rich heirs out of family
- Children kept from stepmom's inheritance as father caused her death
- December
- 2012
- December
- Just Before Christmas the U.S. Senate Voted to Reauthorize the NDAA - With its Infamous and Unconstitutional "Indefinite Detenti
- Pennsylvania Superior Court Rules a Late Night Search of a Snyder County Home
- Season brings vast surprise inheritance for man's surviving kin
- Great News: A Federal Appellate Court Struck Down an Illinois State Gun Ban!
- Temporary decision in Ariel Winter's custody dispute
- Supreme Court to clarify international child custody dilemma
- PA Superior Court Reverses a York County Court Decision Upholding Our Right Against Unreasonable Search and Seizure
- November
- October
- September
- August
- July
- December
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