First Amendment Victory in Court

Today, March 29, 2023, Scaringi Law received an Order of Court from the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania granting summary judgment in favor of our clients, Katherine Pearson and Caroline Machiraju, declaring unconstitutional the Borough of Camp Hill Sign Ordinance, §805(C)(1)(a), which imposed a numerical limit of two (2) Temporary Signs, including Political Yard Signs, and §805(C)(3)(d), which imposed a durational limit of 60 days prior and 30 days after a singular event for Personal Expression Signs, including Political Yard Signs. The Court agreed with our clients that those sections are unconstitutional on their face in that they violate the 1st Amendment right to free speech. Katherine Pearson, Caroline Machiraju, and the Camp Hill Republican Association brought this lawsuit to vindicate their rights and the rights of the people of Camp Hill to freely express themselves regarding political campaigns and elections by posting Political Yard Signs without prohibition as to the number and duration. This is a win for all the residents of Camp Hill Borough regardless of their political party registration or affiliation.
Scaringi Law’s experienced attorneys can answer all your questions. Contact us online or call (717) 775-7195 to schedule a consultation.