Too Many Points on Your Driver's Record? What Happens?

Most people are aware that being convicted of certain traffic offenses under the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code will result in points being assigned to their driver’s license by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (DOT). Those offenses which carry points upon conviction, and the corresponding number of points for each offense, can be found at 75 Pa.C.S.A. §1535. There are thirty-six (36) such offenses. What many people do not know is how an excessive accumulation of driver’s license points may impact them.
If you accumulate six (6) points for the first time, the DOT will require that you attend a driver improvement school or take a special examination. Once you attend and complete the school or pass the examination, two (2) points will be removed from your driving record. If you are directed to attend the school and do not complete the school, your license will be suspended for sixty (60) days. If you are directed to take an examination and do not pass it, your driver’s license will be suspended until you pass the examination.
The second time you accumulate six (6) points you will be required to attend a departmental hearing. Following the hearing, the examiner will make a recommendation to the DOT as to what action should be taken. The recommendation could require that you participate in a driver improvement school and/or take an examination (the same exam one takes when initially applying for a driver’s license) and/or undergo a fifteen (15) day license suspension. Once you complete the imposed requirement(s), two (2) points will be removed from your driving record again. If you do not attend the hearing or do not complete the school, your license will be suspended for sixty (60) days. If you do not pass the examination, your license will be suspended until you pass the examination.
If you were to accumulate six (6) points a third or subsequent time, you will be required to attend another departmental hearing. This hearing will be to determine whether your license should be suspended for a period of up to thirty (30) days. If you do not attend the hearing or do not complete any imposed requirements, your license will be suspended until you do.
Any time you accumulate eleven (11) points or more, you will receive an automatic suspension. The first time this occurs, the suspension will be for five (5) days for each point accumulated. The suspension will be for ten (10) days per point the second time and fifteen (15) days per point the third time. Any subsequent accumulations of eleven (11) points or more will result in a one (1) year suspension.
It should also be noted that once you have received points on your driving record, the DOT will remove three (3) points for each twelve (12) consecutive month period you are not under suspension or have not been convicted of an offense that results in points or a suspension. Once your driving record reaches zero (0) points and remains that way for twelve (12) months, any further accumulation of points will be treated as a first accumulation of points.
If you have been issued a traffic citation, or citations, and are concerned about receiving points, or if you already have points and are concerned about exceeding six (6) or eleven (11) points, we can help. Call Scaringi Law at 717-657-7770 to ask about a consultation with one of our experienced Traffic Law attorneys.